Login method would be used to login any registered user by providing Username and
Password. access_token in the response will be to access all secure methods.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | grant_type | true | Valid grant type is : 'password' |
2 | client_id | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
3 | client_secret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
4 | username | true | Username or email of user |
5 | password | true | Password of user |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F "grant_type=password"
-F "client_id={{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-F "client_secret= {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
-F ""
-F "password=123456"
"access_token": "NGMzY2FjNzg0MjYzN2Q3Zjk0MTc3YWJjODg1NGNmYjUwNDMyMTAzYTk2MmU5ZGQzMTQ0YWNiZGU2MjM0NTI5MQ",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"scope": null,
"refresh_token": "ZDI1MWJkNTNjNWM3NzdmZDE3M2Y1MTA5ZTBiYmM3YzJiMzFiZjdkYWExMTNiMjBhOGM4NmEyYzE2Y2M2MjQ1ZQ"
Logout method is used for invalidate a generated access_token and logout a logged in
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer YTliN2I2M2Q2NTFhNWI4MjJlYWY4OWI0OTlmOGE4NGRiNjdiOTgzMWU3ZGQwYTRkZmNhNjc3MjczNzFjNjkyZQ"
"message": "Logged Out successfully"
Get Source languages method will return all the supported source langugages. Code
returned in response will be used a source language identifier for any future calls.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
curl -X GET -H "clientId: {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-H "clientSecret: {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
"source_languages": [
"id": 5,
"name": "Arabic",
"code": "ara",
"flag": ""
"id": 15,
"name": "Bulgarian",
"code": "bul",
"flag": ""
"id": 121,
"name": "Burmese",
"code": "mya",
"flag": ""
Allows user to get all target languages against source language iso639-3 code
obtained in source language call.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | language_code | false | iso639-3 Language code obtained in source language call. |
curl -X GET -H "clientId: {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-H "clientSecret: {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
"target_languages": [
"id": 17,
"name": "Chinese Simplified (Mandarin)",
"code": "zho",
"price": 0.05,
"flag": ""
"id": 18,
"name": "Chinese Traditional",
"code": "cmn",
"price": 0.08,
"flag": ""
"id": 26,
"name": "English",
"code": "eng",
"price": 0.08,
"flag": ""
Allows user to get all target languages against source languages
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
curl -X GET -H "clientId: {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-H "clientSecret: {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
"languages": [
"id": 5,
"name": "Arabic",
"code": "ara",
"flag": "",
"locale": "ar-SA",
"target_languages": [
"id": 17,
"code": "zh-CN",
"locale": "zh-CN",
"isocode": "zho",
"name": "Chinese Simplified (Mandarin)",
"image": "114",
"url": "chinese-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 18,
"code": "zh-TW",
"locale": "zh-HK",
"isocode": "cmn",
"name": "Chinese Traditional",
"image": "115",
"url": "traditional-chinese-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 26,
"code": "en",
"locale": "en-US",
"isocode": "eng",
"name": "English",
"image": "25",
"url": "english-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 15,
"name": "Bulgarian",
"code": "bul",
"flag": "",
"locale": "bg-BG",
"target_languages": [
"id": 17,
"code": "zh-CN",
"locale": "zh-CN",
"isocode": "zho",
"name": "Chinese Simplified (Mandarin)",
"image": "114",
"url": "chinese-translation-services",
"price": 0.15
"id": 26,
"code": "en",
"locale": "en-US",
"isocode": "eng",
"name": "English",
"image": "25",
"url": "english-translation-services",
"price": 0.15
"id": 121,
"name": "Burmese",
"code": "mya",
"flag": "",
"target_languages": [
"id": 26,
"code": "en",
"locale": "en-US",
"isocode": "eng",
"name": "English",
"image": "25",
"url": "english-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 146,
"name": "Cherokee",
"code": "chr",
"flag": "",
"target_languages": [
"id": 26,
"code": "en",
"locale": "en-US",
"isocode": "eng",
"name": "English",
"image": "25",
"url": "english-translation-services",
"price": 0.1
"id": 17,
"name": "Chinese Simplified (Mandarin)",
"code": "zho",
"flag": "",
"locale": "zh-CN",
"target_languages": [
"id": 26,
"code": "en",
"locale": "en-US",
"isocode": "eng",
"name": "English",
"image": "25",
"url": "english-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 31,
"code": "fr",
"locale": "fr-FR",
"isocode": "fra",
"name": "French (France)",
"image": "33",
"url": "french-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 35,
"code": "de",
"locale": "de-DE",
"isocode": "deu",
"name": "German",
"image": "22",
"url": "german-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 45,
"code": "id",
"locale": "id-ID",
"isocode": "ind",
"name": "Indonesian",
"image": "46",
"url": "indonesian-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 49,
"code": "it",
"locale": "it-IT",
"isocode": "ita",
"name": "Italian",
"image": "50",
"url": "italian-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 50,
"code": "ja",
"locale": "ja-JP",
"isocode": "jpn",
"name": "Japanese",
"image": "52",
"url": "japanese-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 58,
"code": "ko",
"locale": "ko-KR",
"isocode": "kor",
"name": "Korean",
"image": "58",
"url": "korean-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 73,
"code": "mn",
"locale": "mn-MN",
"isocode": "mon",
"name": "Mongolian",
"image": "67",
"url": "mongolian-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 82,
"code": "pt",
"locale": "pt-PT",
"isocode": "psr",
"name": "Portuguese (Portugal)",
"image": "79",
"url": "portuguese-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 87,
"code": "ru",
"locale": "ru-RU",
"isocode": "rus",
"name": "Russian",
"image": "84",
"url": "russian-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 94,
"code": "si",
"isocode": "sin",
"name": "Sinhala",
"image": "89",
"url": "sinhala-translation-services",
"price": 0.1
"id": 126,
"code": "sp-eu",
"locale": "es-ES",
"isocode": "spa",
"name": "Spanish (Europe)",
"image": "235",
"url": "spanish-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 127,
"code": "sp-la",
"locale": "es-SA",
"isocode": "ssp",
"name": "Spanish (Latin American)",
"image": "236",
"url": "spanish-latin-american-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 105,
"code": "th",
"locale": "th-TH",
"isocode": "tha",
"name": "Thai",
"image": "99",
"url": "thai-translation-services",
"price": 0.05
"id": 18,
"name": "Chinese Traditional",
"code": "cmn",
"flag": "",
"locale": "zh-HK",
"target_languages": [
"id": 26,
"code": "en",
"locale": "en-US",
"isocode": "eng",
"name": "English",
"image": "25",
"url": "english-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 31,
"code": "fr",
"locale": "fr-FR",
"isocode": "fra",
"name": "French (France)",
"image": "33",
"url": "french-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 35,
"code": "de",
"locale": "de-DE",
"isocode": "deu",
"name": "German",
"image": "22",
"url": "german-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 45,
"code": "id",
"locale": "id-ID",
"isocode": "ind",
"name": "Indonesian",
"image": "46",
"url": "indonesian-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 49,
"code": "it",
"locale": "it-IT",
"isocode": "ita",
"name": "Italian",
"image": "50",
"url": "italian-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 50,
"code": "ja",
"locale": "ja-JP",
"isocode": "jpn",
"name": "Japanese",
"image": "52",
"url": "japanese-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 58,
"code": "ko",
"locale": "ko-KR",
"isocode": "kor",
"name": "Korean",
"image": "58",
"url": "korean-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 82,
"code": "pt",
"locale": "pt-PT",
"isocode": "psr",
"name": "Portuguese (Portugal)",
"image": "79",
"url": "portuguese-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 87,
"code": "ru",
"locale": "ru-RU",
"isocode": "rus",
"name": "Russian",
"image": "84",
"url": "russian-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 126,
"code": "sp-eu",
"locale": "es-ES",
"isocode": "spa",
"name": "Spanish (Europe)",
"image": "235",
"url": "spanish-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 127,
"code": "sp-la",
"locale": "es-SA",
"isocode": "ssp",
"name": "Spanish (Latin American)",
"image": "236",
"url": "spanish-latin-american-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
"id": 105,
"code": "th",
"locale": "th-TH",
"isocode": "tha",
"name": "Thai",
"image": "99",
"url": "thai-translation-services",
"price": 0.08
Get industries provide list of all supported industries. code returned in the
industry response will be used for any future reference for industries i.e. While
creating new project.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
curl -X GET -H "clientId: {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-H "clientSecret: {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
"industries": [
"id": 1,
"name": "General",
"code": "gn"
"id": 2,
"name": "Advertising / Marketing",
"code": "adm"
"id": 7,
"name": "Automotive",
"code": "am"
Create a project call is used for creating a new project.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | source_language_code | true | iso639-3 Language code |
2 | target_language_code | true | Comma separated iso639-3 Language code |
3 | industry_id | true | Mars has list of active industries. This value should be the id of some Industry. |
4 | num_of_words | true | Total number of words of a project. |
5 | source_file | true/false | Comma separated source file absolute URL path obtained from get
quote API. Source file or text must be provided in order to create a new project. |
6 | text | true/false | Source translation text. |
7 | translation_type | false | Default value=2. Valid values 1=Document translation, 2=Instant translation and 3=Audio translation and 4=Website Translation |
8 | package_type | false | Default value is EP=Economy Package. It will be EP=Economy Package or PP=Professional Package |
9 | gross_price | false | It is required when translation type is equal to 4 |
10 | show_task_details | false | if you give "yes" then it will return with task details. |
11 | callback_url | false | if you provide callback url then we will send task status to your callback url. |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F "source_language_code=eng"
-F "target_language_code=ara"
-F "industry_id=2"
-F "num_of_words=150"
-F "text=source text"
-F "package_type=EP"
-F "translation_type=4"
-F "gross_price=100"
"task_id": [
"id": "610"
"order_id": 648
Allows User to get all his created projects.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | translation_type | false | Comma separated values Default value=2,3. Valid values : 1=Document translation, 2=Instant translation and 3=Audio translation and 4=Website Translation |
2 | status | false | Valid values are pending, in_progress, completed |
3 | page | false | Page number for pagination. |
4 | records_per_page | false | default=10, number of pages record |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}&translation_type=2,3"
"pending": {
"0": {
"client_id": 9,
"translation_type": 3,
"length": 150,
"order_id": 336,
"task_delivery_date": "2016-05-30T14:58:07+0800",
"time_in_minutes": 50,
"task_time_string": "50 Mins",
"display_id": 331,
"task_status": "Waiting for Translation",
"status_id": 5,
"task_id": 363,
"type": 1,
"source_language_code": "eng",
"task_created_date": "2016-05-30T14:05:37+0800",
"target_language_code": "ara",
"industry": "Advertising / Marketing",
"target_language": "Arabic",
"source_language": "English",
"package_type": "Economy Package",
"package_type_code": "EP"
"9": {
"client_id": 9,
"translation_type": 2,
"length": 150,
"order_id": 123,
"task_delivery_date": "2016-04-21T20:13:53+0800",
"time_in_minutes": 50,
"task_time_string": "50 Mins",
"display_id": 174,
"task_status": "Waiting for Translation",
"status_id": 5,
"task_id": 183,
"type": 1,
"source_language_code": "eng",
"task_created_date": "2016-04-19T16:01:51+0800",
"target_language_code": "ara",
"industry": "Advertising / Marketing",
"target_language": "Arabic",
"source_language": "English",
"package_type": "Economy Package",
"package_type_code": "EP"
"pages": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": 2,
"previous_page": 0,
"total_pages": 11,
"records_per_page": 10
"completed": {
"0": {
"client_id": 9,
"translation_type": 2,
"length": 150,
"order_id": 360,
"task_delivery_date": "2016-06-01T14:07:05+0800",
"time_in_minutes": 75,
"task_time_string": "1 Hr 15 Mins",
"display_id": 353,
"task_status": "Ready Proof Reading",
"status_id": 9,
"task_id": 396,
"type": 1,
"source_language_code": "eng",
"task_created_date": "2016-06-01T13:14:04+0800",
"target_language_code": "ara",
"industry": "Advertising / Marketing",
"target_language": "Arabic",
"source_language": "English",
"package_type": "Professional Package",
"package_type_code": "PP"
"9": {
"client_id": 9,
"translation_type": 3,
"length": 150,
"order_id": 340,
"task_delivery_date": "2016-05-30T15:40:09+0800",
"time_in_minutes": 50,
"task_time_string": "50 Mins",
"display_id": 335,
"task_status": "Waiting for Client Approval",
"status_id": 11,
"task_id": 369,
"type": 1,
"source_language_code": "eng",
"task_created_date": "2016-05-30T14:48:16+0800",
"target_language_code": "ara",
"industry": "Advertising / Marketing",
"target_language": "Arabic",
"source_language": "English",
"package_type": "Economy Package",
"package_type_code": "EP"
"pages": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": 2,
"previous_page": 0,
"total_pages": 2,
"records_per_page": 10
If you provide callback Url on your order then on every project status changed we
are sending project updated status to your callback Url.
Status Code | Status |
5 | Waiting for Translator |
1 | In Progress |
10 | In Progress |
11 | Completed |
4 | Approved |
array (
'type' => 'task_status',
'task_id' => 1,
'status_code' => 4,
'status' => 'Approved',
'data' => {
"packageType":"Economy Package",
"translator_name":"translator user",
"name":"castle calsh.txt",
"date_created":{"date":"2015-12-01 17:48:09.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Asia\/Shanghai"}
"name":"Free Text.txt",
"date_created":{"date":"2015-12-01 17:48:09.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Asia\/Shanghai"}
"date_created":{"date":"2015-12-01 17:48:09.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Asia\/Shanghai"}
"date_created":{"date":"2015-12-01 17:48:09.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Asia\/Shanghai"}
Allows User to get Task details.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | task_id | true | Task Id |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}&task_id=396"
"length": 150,
"client_id": "9",
"translation_type": 2,
"package_type": "Professional Package",
"order_id": 360,
"status_id": 9,
"date_created": "2016-06-01T13:14:03+0800",
"date_updated": "2016-06-01T13:17:05+0800",
"time_in_minutes": 50,
"total_time_in_minutes": 75,
"task_delivery_date": "2016-06-01T14:07:05+0800",
"source_flag": "",
"target_flag": "",
"task_type": 1,
"task_status": "Ready Proof Reading",
"invalid_translators": [],
"user_id": "11",
"task_id": 396,
"display_id": 353,
"source_language_code": "eng",
"target_language_code": "ara",
"industry": "Advertising / Marketing",
"industry_id": "2",
"target_language_id": 5,
"source_language_id": 26,
"client_price": 16.59,
"target_language": "Arabic",
"source_language": "English",
"translator_name": "M faizan altaf",
"translator_id": 11,
"proofreader_rating": {
"rate": 0,
"comments": ""
"client_rating": {
"rate": 0,
"comments": ""
"file": {
"source_file": [
"id": 967,
"name": "Free Text.txt",
"user_id": 9,
"length": 150,
"location": "",
"date_created": "2016-06-01T13:14:03+0800"
"translation_file": {
"967": {
"id": 969,
"name": "895397384.txt",
"user_id": 11,
"length": 0,
"location": "",
"date_created": "2016-06-01T13:17:26+0800"
Allows User to get Project details.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | orderId | true | Project/Order Id |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}&orderId=142"
"id": 142,
"user_id": 9,
"user_email": "",
"source_language": {
"id": 26,
"name": "English"
"target_language": [
"id": 5,
"name": "Arabic"
"id": 6,
"name": "Armenian"
"task_detail_id": [],
"industry": "General",
"word_count": 160,
"price": 34.88,
"package_type": "EP",
"delivery_type": "Normal Delivery",
"is_paid": false,
"service": true,
"files": [
"id": 482,
"name": "Free Text.txt",
"user_id": 9,
"length": 160,
"language_name": "English",
"location": "",
"date_created": "2016-04-25T20:10:43+0800"
"id": 483,
"name": "Free Text_Arabic.txt",
"user_id": 9,
"length": 160,
"language_name": "Arabic",
"location": "",
"date_created": "2016-04-25T20:10:43+0800"
"id": 484,
"name": "Free Text_Armenian.txt",
"user_id": 9,
"length": 160,
"language_name": "Armenian",
"location": "",
"date_created": "2016-04-25T20:10:43+0800"
"date_created": "2016-04-25T20:10:43+0800"
This method is used for getting total word count of given text.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
# | Name | Type | Required | Description |
1 | text | string | true | text for word counts |
curl -X POST -H "clientId: {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-H "clientSecret: {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F "text=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
"word_count": 8
This call is used for getting word count of any file. "file_path" and "word_count"
returned in the response will be used in "Create Project" call.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
# | Name | Type | Required | Description |
1 | file | file | true | Upload a file |
curl -X POST -H "clientId: {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-H "clientSecret: {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F "file=@"
-F "="
"word_count": 941,
"file_path": ""
This call is used for getting total word count of multiple files. "file_paths" and
returned in the response will be used in "Create Project" call.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
# | Name | Type | Required | Description |
1 | file[] | file | true | Upload a file |
curl -X "POST"
-d "_format=json&file[]=C:\\fakepath\\2.jpg"
-H "clientId:\ {{ PUT CLIENT ID HERE }}"
-H "clientSecret:\ {{ PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE }}"
"total_word_count": 941,
"file_paths": ""
Get Status of Project call is used for get current status of a project.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | task_statuses_ids | true | JSON Format Like this [{ "id": "2662", "status": "Waiting for Translation" }, { "id": "2663", "status": "Waiting for Translation" }, { "id": "2665", "status": "Waiting for Translation" }] |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F "task_statuses_ids=[{ \"id\": \"791\", \"status\": \"working\" }, { \"id\": \"793\", \"status\": \"Waiting for Translation\" }, { \"id\": \"793\", \"status\": \"Waiting for Translation\" }]"
"length": 150,
"client_id": "9",
"translation_type": 4,
"package_type": "Professional Package",
"order_id": 766,
"status_id": 5,
"date_created": "2016-10-24T15:04:30+0800",
"date_updated": "2016-10-24T15:04:31+0800",
"time_in_minutes": 50,
"total_time_in_minutes": 75,
"source_flag": "",
"target_flag": "",
"task_type": 1,
"task_status": "Waiting for Translation",
"invalid_translators": [],
"task_id": 791,
"display_id": 719,
"source_language_code": "eng",
"target_language_code": "ara",
"industry": "Advertising / Marketing",
"industry_id": "2",
"target_language_id": 5,
"source_language_id": 26,
"client_price": 16.65,
"target_language": "Arabic",
"source_language": "English",
"proofreader_rating": {
"rate": 0,
"comments": ""
"client_rating": {
"rate": 0,
"comments": ""
"file": {
"source_file": [
"id": 2412,
"name": "Free Text.txt",
"user_id": 9,
"length": 150,
"location": "",
"date_created": "2016-10-24T15:04:30+0800"
This call is used for getting rating details of a task.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}&task_id=14"
"proofreader_rating": {
"rate": 4.5,
"comments": "excellent work.",
"rateType": 1,
"user": "4",
"task": "350"
This method will be used by user to send a discussion message for a task.
Phone number, Emails and some restricted words as below will be filter/removed
automatically if entered.
Restricted words: 'id', 'contact', 'email', 'num', 'emailaddress',
'phone', 'cell', 'phone#', 'phonenum', 'phonenumber', 'mobile', 'call', 'call me',
'skype', 'skypeaddress', 'address'
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | task_id | true | Project Task Id |
2 | message | true | Comments/Message |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F "task_id=14"
-F "message=Hello, Task discussion here"
"message": "Successfully sent message"
This call will be used to get all discussion messages of a task.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | task_id | true | Project Task Id |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}&task_id=14"
"user_id": 9,
"first_name": "user",
"last_name": "user",
"message": "Hello, Task discussion here",
"date_created": "2016-03-15T17:34:31+0800",
"role": [
"user_id": 9,
"first_name": "user",
"last_name": "user",
"message": "Hello, Task discussion here",
"date_created": "2016-03-15T17:34:43+0800",
"role": [
Allows user to push Notification on Mobile App.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | true | Email of user where you want to push notification | |
2 | pushMessage | true | Json Format Push message |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT ID HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F ""
-F "pushMessage={ \"message\": \"Successfully sent message\" }"
"response": true
This method will be used to get detail of any user with access_token or user_id.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | user_id | false | User Id. If this id is null then this call will returns logged in user details otherwise it will return according to given user id. |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}&user_id=15"
"user_id": 9,
"first_name": "user",
"last_name": "user",
"email": "",
"phone": "123456789",
"picture": "default.png",
"credit": "84446.98",
"skype_id": "skypename",
"twitter_id": "twitterid",
"linkedIn_id": "linkedin",
"is_translator": false,
"industries": [],
"language_pairs_detail": [],
"certifications": []
This method will return available Mars credits.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer YTliN2I2M2Q2NTFhNWI4MjJlYWY4OWI0OTlmOGE4NGRiNjdiOTgzMWU3ZGQwYTRkZmNhNjc3MjczNzFjNjkyZQ"
"credit": "84446.98"
Allows user to get all transactions.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | page | false | Page number for pagination |
2 | records_per_page | false | default=10, number of pages record |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}&page=2&records_per_page=15"
"history": {
"0": {
"order_id": 637,
"user_id": 9,
"type": "Place Order",
"debit_or_credit": 2,
"date_created": "2016-08-23T18:50:13+0800",
"balance": 85346.98,
"amount": 100,
"description": "Order#637 placed through credits."
"1": {
"order_id": 635,
"user_id": 9,
"type": "Place Order",
"debit_or_credit": 2,
"date_created": "2016-08-23T18:48:24+0800",
"balance": 85546.98,
"amount": 100,
"description": "Order#635 placed through credits."
"pages": {
"current_page": "2",
"next_page": 3,
"previous_page": 1,
"total_pages": 30,
"records_per_page": 15
Allows user to get all promotions list.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | access_token | true | Authentication (Access Token) required via login call |
curl -X GET "{{ACCESS-TOKEN}}"
"id": 2,
"amount": 650,
"credit": 4543.5
"id": 4,
"amount": 1100,
"credit": 12089
"id": 3,
"amount": 3300,
"credit": 102267
"id": 7,
"amount": 5500,
"credit": 280445
"id": 5,
"amount": 9000,
"credit": 728910
This call is used getting quote for given source language, target language,
industry(s), number of words.
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | true | {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}} |
2 | clientSecret | true | {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}} |
# | Name | Required | Description |
1 | source_language_code | true | ISO 939-3 Source Language code |
2 | target_language_code | true | ISO 939-3 Target Language code comma-seperated mulitiple values |
3 | industry_code | true | Industry code |
4 | number_of_words | false | If you not give this parameter then u have to give parameter "text". |
5 | text | false | If you not give this parameter then u have to give parameter "num_of_words". |
curl -X POST -H "clientId: {{PUT CLIENT KEY HERE}}"
-H "clientSecret: {{PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE}}"
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
-F "source_language_code=eng"
-F "target_language_code=ara"
-F "industry_code=adm"
-F "number_of_words=144"
"economic_package": {
"price": 11.85,
"delivery_time_once_start": {
"translation_time": "50 Mins ",
"total_time": "50 Mins "
"professional_package": {
"price_with_proofreading": 16.65,
"delivery_time_once_start": {
"translation_time": "50 Mins ",
"proofreading_time": "25 Mins ",
"total_time": "1 Hr 15 Mins "